I had the great opportunity to photograph Tom Haacke Thursday 5th February at The Pantiles Tap in Tunbridge Wells.
A small venue but my gosh do they have some amazing Beers and Ciders. If your ever in the local area and want a good drink I highly recommend this place.
This shoot was a particular challenge for me, as although to the eye it looks like quite a bright venue, I really had to push my camera to the limits using an ISO of 10,000, and so for the camera and for my self it was a task to focus and was a challedge to try and make the photos not to noisy in post-production.
I wanted to get a selection of different photos, but this again because isn't a ordinary venue, I didn't want to get in the way of any punters so staying low and using specific locations helped stay out of hte way, but also helped me to think more creatively. You can see this being used below as I shoot through the crowd of people.
Tom Haacke music is good friends with Common Ground and Wadsworth & Wells Ltd.

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